Summer Hiatus and Preparing for the Next Chapter

It’s been almost a year since I relaunched my blog. 90% of the time it’s a fulfilling experience. The other 10% can feel taxing when you’re holding down a full-time job, working on a novella, and exploring ways to expand a side business.

No, this is not me bemoaning life. No one likes a whiner, right?

But this is a note to inform you the blog, in its current format , is going on a summer hiatus.

The short explanation is that I want an opportunity to explore a few options to expand the website now that there is a decent library of articles. It’s time to start promoting the website beyond my personal social networks.

The more vulnerable truth is that I don’t want to run the risk of blogging for the sake of blogging. I feel I’ve reached a point where I need a short break to recalibrate my approach to financial education, entrepreneurship, relationships, and such. The last thing either of us wants is stale content.

I briefly gave thought to putting the publication on pause altogether. Instead, given the number of new subscribers, I’m going to briefly experiment with a brief newsletter format. As always, the goal will be to offer something helpful, and since you’ve now grown accustomed to hearing from me on Mondays, I’ll do my best to make the overarching message an inspirational one to help your week get started on a positive note.

That sounds a little self-helpie, doesn’t it? I promise it won’t be anything cheesy. If it starts moving in that direction, I am quite certain my friend Jessica in Ohio will be the first to set me straight.

If the experiment fails, I’ll move the publication into a true dormant state. I love the trust you’ve given me to visit your inbox on a weekly basis., I don’t want to break that trust, so no content would be better than poor content.

The long form posts will return on Labor Day. I am only taking a break from sharing my writing publically. Behind the scenes I will continue writing longer articles, but without the pressure of publishing these on a weekly basis, I will once again build up my buffer and use the extra time to do things I do not currently have the time to produce.

For example, I’ve been invited to write guest posts for other publications. I’m honored and look forward to sharing some of those posts with you in the months ahead.

Also, I’m really excited to start accepting guest posts for this blog. I’ll share more details in the next entry. Start thinking now about what you’re going to bring to the table!

Podcasting? I’ve got the equipment now. The only thing that’s been holding me back is a fear of being one more voice in a chorus of competing shows, but the blueprints have now matured to a point where I need to get it out of my system. I think the content will rhyme well with the blog that brought you here in the first place, and if it fails, at least I tried, right? I have a good feeling about my plans though. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

In a lot of ways, it’ll be like I never left. The newsletters will kick off next Monday, and I’ve got a handful of product and book reviews I’ll sprinkle into the mix throughout the summer.

I’m incredibly lucky to have earned your support. Next fall already has some good, raw stuff in the queue I think you’re going to enjoy. Until then, stay safe and healthy, and again, thank you for making the blog the success it has become!

Yours in service,


Stay in the Loop!

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